Monday, April 07, 2008

Late Night Links For The Owls

So it's 11pm PST and I'm not usually on Twitter and other sites, but they are churning tonight and I wanted to share some of the things that conversations are being created around:

  1. Ultimate Social Media Resources List - great list Jordan

  2. Google allows trademark bidding in the UK - thanks Gooruze news item

  3. Could PayPerTweet be a viable business model? - source:

  4. Techcrunch50 vs. DEMO - Who will survive?

  5. Survey Industry Doomed! - $27B in Survey Industry and 30% of surveys are bogus

  6. Link Building Fundamentals - great starter list, filter through the stuff you can skip

  7. San Diego Web Standards Group Launches

  8. Twubble - Do you know who you should be following on Twitter?

Friday, April 04, 2008

We're Hiring! Marketing Role ...

If you love the young company environment, an office across the street from the beach, a group of creative/passionate people and marketing is what helps you get by everyday ... we've got an open role for you. Email me for more info ... bj at

Must love:

* Analytics - data junkie, reporting Excel, Google Analytics, HBX or Omniture or fave tool, Crazy Egg, etc.
* Conversation - connecting to real people with authentic ideas via blogging, Twitter, social networks
* Promotion - SEO, PPC, Link Building, Forum chat, Email
* Traveling - local/national events, managing booth, passing out items, talking to people about app
* Tech - love apps, have lots of accounts, BETAs, widgets, badges, chiclets, RSS, mobile, etc.
* Self-Managed - start projects on your own, execute them, give me the why, when, how, who + measurable goals

still interested? Shoot me an email to bj at

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Chrysler Starts Listening

Chrysler LLC with help from its digital marketing agency Organic has integrated an online suggestion box into its corporate website that also features its blog, environmental practices, community initiatives and more. The new section is actually available at, where they are asking people for their insights on how to improve their products and company.

"Submit ideas for future products, make current product suggestions or just tell us what would make us a better company."

Seems pretty simple and all you need to do is enter a zipcode and let them know if you already own a Chrysler. Seems to be a little market research going on there, but the process remains very simple to submit.

There are a lot of companies taking the leap into trying to engage their customers better and find ways to drive the conversation using various online tactics. My hat off to Chrysler for trying to get into the game and find ways to improve their relationship with their customer base and maybe even snag a few loiters from other competitors.